Figure 1
Figure 1. A TCR Tg model of GVHD. (A-B) HA104 mice received 750cGy and 8 × 106 BALB/c RAG−/− BM cells alone or in combination with 9000, 3000, or 1000 sorted TS1 TN. As an additional control, wt mice received BM cells in combination with 3000 TN. Shown are survival (A) and weight loss (B). P values are relative to BM only controls. Data are representative of 2 independent experiments. (C-D) HA104 mice received 750cGy and 8 × 106 RAG−/− BM cells alone or in combination with 3000 sorted TS1 TN. On day 21, mice were killed and tissues were taken for histopathology analysis. Representative skin, colon, and liver pathology are shown in panel C. Pathology scores are shown in panel D. Pathology data were combined from 2 independent experiments.

A TCR Tg model of GVHD. (A-B) HA104 mice received 750cGy and 8 × 106 BALB/c RAG−/− BM cells alone or in combination with 9000, 3000, or 1000 sorted TS1 TN. As an additional control, wt mice received BM cells in combination with 3000 TN. Shown are survival (A) and weight loss (B). P values are relative to BM only controls. Data are representative of 2 independent experiments. (C-D) HA104 mice received 750cGy and 8 × 106 RAG−/− BM cells alone or in combination with 3000 sorted TS1 TN. On day 21, mice were killed and tissues were taken for histopathology analysis. Representative skin, colon, and liver pathology are shown in panel C. Pathology scores are shown in panel D. Pathology data were combined from 2 independent experiments.

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