Figure 2
Figure 2. D6-deficient skin demonstrates impaired lymphatic function. (A) Inflamed D6-deficient footpads are thicker than inflamed WT footpads. Footpad thickness was measured 2 hours after subcutaneous injection of LPS, on H&E-stained sections of mouse paws at 5× magnification on a light microscope (Carl Zeiss) equipped with Axiovision Version 4.6, 12-2006 software. Measurement was done using the Axiovision Interactive Measurement analysis module (Carl Zeiss). (B) TPA-inflamed D6-deficient skin is more edematous than inflamed WT skin. Edema was measured by intravital imaging of dermal accumulation of intravenously injected AF750-BSA. WT Ace and KO Ace are acetone control treated mice. (C) Fluid drainage from TPA-inflamed skin is impaired in D6-deficient, compared with WT, mice as measured by clearance of subcutaneously injected AF750-BSA (see “Assignment of tissue fluid control”). WT Ace and KO Ace are acetone control treated mice. (D) LN drainage of subcutaneously injected Evans blue dye is impaired in TPA-inflamed D6-deficient, but not WT, mice. Evans blue dye was injected subcutaneously, LNs collected 1 hour later, and Evans blue dye accumulation in the LNs measured as described. (A-C) Data are from more than 3 independent experiments with n > 3 mice per experimental group for each individual experiment. (D) Results are from a single experiment.

D6-deficient skin demonstrates impaired lymphatic function. (A) Inflamed D6-deficient footpads are thicker than inflamed WT footpads. Footpad thickness was measured 2 hours after subcutaneous injection of LPS, on H&E-stained sections of mouse paws at 5× magnification on a light microscope (Carl Zeiss) equipped with Axiovision Version 4.6, 12-2006 software. Measurement was done using the Axiovision Interactive Measurement analysis module (Carl Zeiss). (B) TPA-inflamed D6-deficient skin is more edematous than inflamed WT skin. Edema was measured by intravital imaging of dermal accumulation of intravenously injected AF750-BSA. WT Ace and KO Ace are acetone control treated mice. (C) Fluid drainage from TPA-inflamed skin is impaired in D6-deficient, compared with WT, mice as measured by clearance of subcutaneously injected AF750-BSA (see “Assignment of tissue fluid control”). WT Ace and KO Ace are acetone control treated mice. (D) LN drainage of subcutaneously injected Evans blue dye is impaired in TPA-inflamed D6-deficient, but not WT, mice. Evans blue dye was injected subcutaneously, LNs collected 1 hour later, and Evans blue dye accumulation in the LNs measured as described. (A-C) Data are from more than 3 independent experiments with n > 3 mice per experimental group for each individual experiment. (D) Results are from a single experiment.

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