Figure 1
Histogram of SF3B1 mutant allele burden. The bimodal distribution has been highlighted by adding a Gaussian kernel density plot to the histogram. The first normal distribution (on the left) accounts for 22% of observations, with a mean value for SF3B1 mutant allele burden equal to 15%. The second normal distribution (on the right) accounts for 78% of observations, with a mean value equal to 41%.

Histogram of SF3B1 mutant allele burden. The bimodal distribution has been highlighted by adding a Gaussian kernel density plot to the histogram. The first normal distribution (on the left) accounts for 22% of observations, with a mean value for SF3B1 mutant allele burden equal to 15%. The second normal distribution (on the right) accounts for 78% of observations, with a mean value equal to 41%.

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