Figure 1
Figure 1. Schematic representation of the NUP98 protein. Blue lines indicate GLFG repeats, the dark blue box indicates the GLEBS binding domain (GBD), and green and red boxes indicate the nucleoporin RNA-binding site and autoproteolytic cleavage site, respectively. Known NUP98 interacting factors are indicated; transcriptional coactivator CBP/p300 (purple) and the TAP transport cofactor (orange) bind the GLFG repeats. The APC/RAE1 complex (light blue) binds the GBD.

Schematic representation of the NUP98 protein. Blue lines indicate GLFG repeats, the dark blue box indicates the GLEBS binding domain (GBD), and green and red boxes indicate the nucleoporin RNA-binding site and autoproteolytic cleavage site, respectively. Known NUP98 interacting factors are indicated; transcriptional coactivator CBP/p300 (purple) and the TAP transport cofactor (orange) bind the GLFG repeats. The APC/RAE1 complex (light blue) binds the GBD.

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