Figure 2
Figure 2. Patterns of response to DNA damage in CLL. The histograms show the levels for p53 (A) and p21 (B). Black line, isotype control; dark gray line, nonirradiated sample; light gray line, irradiated sample. Normal response: low basal levels of p53 and p21 and induction of both proteins after irradiation. Type-A defect: high basal p53 level and impaired p21 induction. Type-B defect: low basal p53 level and impaired p21 induction.

Patterns of response to DNA damage in CLL. The histograms show the levels for p53 (A) and p21 (B). Black line, isotype control; dark gray line, nonirradiated sample; light gray line, irradiated sample. Normal response: low basal levels of p53 and p21 and induction of both proteins after irradiation. Type-A defect: high basal p53 level and impaired p21 induction. Type-B defect: low basal p53 level and impaired p21 induction.

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