Figure 1
Figure 1. Phenotypes that emerge as EBV is evicted from tumor cells. The growth and survival of tumor cell populations were tracked over time as EBV was evicted. Dashed lines represent cells in which dnEBNA1 remains induced; and solid lines, cells in which dnEBNA1 is uninduced. (A) Growth curves of PTLD1 and Oku-BL clones. The average number of doublings from at least 3 independent experiments ± SD is shown. (B) PTLD1 and Oku-BL clones were assayed for the induction of apoptosis by staining cells with a fluorescently labeled peptide that is specifically bound by active caspases (APO LOGIX, Cell Technologies). For each time point, at least 200 cells were analyzed. The average percentage of apoptotic cells from at least 3 independent experiments plus or minus SD is shown. (C) Growth curves of Sav-BL and Dante-BL clones as measured in panel A. One of 3 S14-2 growth curves was halted at 20 days. (D) Apoptotic assays of Sav-BL and Dante-BL clones as measured in panel B. For clone S14-2, day 20 is the average of 2 independent experiments ± SD.

Phenotypes that emerge as EBV is evicted from tumor cells. The growth and survival of tumor cell populations were tracked over time as EBV was evicted. Dashed lines represent cells in which dnEBNA1 remains induced; and solid lines, cells in which dnEBNA1 is uninduced. (A) Growth curves of PTLD1 and Oku-BL clones. The average number of doublings from at least 3 independent experiments ± SD is shown. (B) PTLD1 and Oku-BL clones were assayed for the induction of apoptosis by staining cells with a fluorescently labeled peptide that is specifically bound by active caspases (APO LOGIX, Cell Technologies). For each time point, at least 200 cells were analyzed. The average percentage of apoptotic cells from at least 3 independent experiments plus or minus SD is shown. (C) Growth curves of Sav-BL and Dante-BL clones as measured in panel A. One of 3 S14-2 growth curves was halted at 20 days. (D) Apoptotic assays of Sav-BL and Dante-BL clones as measured in panel B. For clone S14-2, day 20 is the average of 2 independent experiments ± SD.

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