Figure 1
Figure 1. Hfe-KO mice respond better to erythropoietic stress. (A-B) Recovery of Hb values in wt and Hfe-KO mice after phenylhydrazine-induced hemolytic anemia and phlebotomy, respectively. (B) In the phlebotomy studies, the results obtained in wt mice fed a low-iron (Low Fe) or high-iron (High Fe) diet, and Hfe-KO mice fed the low-iron diet are also shown. Serum iron (C) and Tf saturation (D) over the course of the first 2 days of the phlebotomy regimen are shown for wt and Hfe-KO mice fed a regular or low-iron diet. (E) Hamp expression in wt and Hfe-KO mice at steady state and after erythropoietic stimulation by phlebotomy or Epo administration. The graph is shown in logarithmic scale. Data are mean ± SEM of 5 to 20 age- and sex-matched mice. *P ≤ .05 relative to wt controls. **P ≤ .01 relative to wt controls. ***P ≤ .001 relative to wt controls.

Hfe-KO mice respond better to erythropoietic stress. (A-B) Recovery of Hb values in wt and Hfe-KO mice after phenylhydrazine-induced hemolytic anemia and phlebotomy, respectively. (B) In the phlebotomy studies, the results obtained in wt mice fed a low-iron (Low Fe) or high-iron (High Fe) diet, and Hfe-KO mice fed the low-iron diet are also shown. Serum iron (C) and Tf saturation (D) over the course of the first 2 days of the phlebotomy regimen are shown for wt and Hfe-KO mice fed a regular or low-iron diet. (E) Hamp expression in wt and Hfe-KO mice at steady state and after erythropoietic stimulation by phlebotomy or Epo administration. The graph is shown in logarithmic scale. Data are mean ± SEM of 5 to 20 age- and sex-matched mice. *P ≤ .05 relative to wt controls. **P ≤ .01 relative to wt controls. ***P ≤ .001 relative to wt controls.

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