Figure 7
Figure 7. Summary of cellular infiltrates in the liver 2 hours after vector administration. (A) Neutrophils. (B) Macrophages. (C) NK cells. Data were collected from 20 images captured from each of the 3 sections prepared for a total of 60 images per mouse liver. Data are presented as average number of cells per square centimeter per mouse (n = 4 per group) ± SD. Fold-increase in comparison to PBS-injected mice of the same strain is indicated. ***P < .001 (ANOVA comparison with PBS-injected mice).

Summary of cellular infiltrates in the liver 2 hours after vector administration. (A) Neutrophils. (B) Macrophages. (C) NK cells. Data were collected from 20 images captured from each of the 3 sections prepared for a total of 60 images per mouse liver. Data are presented as average number of cells per square centimeter per mouse (n = 4 per group) ± SD. Fold-increase in comparison to PBS-injected mice of the same strain is indicated. ***P < .001 (ANOVA comparison with PBS-injected mice).

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