Figure 1
Figure 1. Blood cells (hemocytes, SGC, and GC) of the freshwater crayfish P leniusculus. Hemocytes were collected and separated according to Wu et al6 and stained with May-Grünvald eosin followed by Giemsa. (A) SGC, semigranular hemocytes; and (B) GC, granular hemocytes; bar = 10 μm.

Blood cells (hemocytes, SGC, and GC) of the freshwater crayfish P leniusculus. Hemocytes were collected and separated according to Wu et al and stained with May-Grünvald eosin followed by Giemsa. (A) SGC, semigranular hemocytes; and (B) GC, granular hemocytes; bar = 10 μm.

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