Figure 3
Routine VWF tests in AVWS associated with cardiovascular (CV) and lymphoproliferative (LP) disorders. Data are from a retrospective single-center study.18 Note that all patients with cardiovascular disorders and part of the patients with lymphoproliferative disorders had normal or increased VWF:Ag, VWF:RCo, and VWF:CB. The VWF:CB/Ag ratio was more often decreased than the VWF:RCo/Ag ratio. All patients had a loss or decrease of HMW multimers (not shown). Solid lines indicate the median; and dashed lines indicate the upper limit of detection (400 IU/mL) and the lower limit of normal (50 IU/mL) or the reference range for ratios.

Routine VWF tests in AVWS associated with cardiovascular (CV) and lymphoproliferative (LP) disorders. Data are from a retrospective single-center study.18  Note that all patients with cardiovascular disorders and part of the patients with lymphoproliferative disorders had normal or increased VWF:Ag, VWF:RCo, and VWF:CB. The VWF:CB/Ag ratio was more often decreased than the VWF:RCo/Ag ratio. All patients had a loss or decrease of HMW multimers (not shown). Solid lines indicate the median; and dashed lines indicate the upper limit of detection (400 IU/mL) and the lower limit of normal (50 IU/mL) or the reference range for ratios.

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