Figure 2
Pathways to diagnose AVWS according to the reason for testing. (A) Patients tested because of bleeding should also be evaluated for AVWS-associated disorders. If such a disorder is present, consider AVWS if VWF testing demonstrates quantitative or qualitative disorder of VWF. (B) Patients with known AVWS-associated disorders are suggested to undergo testing before surgery, and AVWS should be considered if VWF abnormalities are found.

Pathways to diagnose AVWS according to the reason for testing. (A) Patients tested because of bleeding should also be evaluated for AVWS-associated disorders. If such a disorder is present, consider AVWS if VWF testing demonstrates quantitative or qualitative disorder of VWF. (B) Patients with known AVWS-associated disorders are suggested to undergo testing before surgery, and AVWS should be considered if VWF abnormalities are found.

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