Figure 6
Figure 6. In vitro inhibition of B lymphopoiesis by synthetic RGD peptides. (A) Flow cytometric analysis of cells arising from cocultures of murine BM and OP9 cells (left) supplemented with inhibitory RGD-3661 peptide (1 mg/mL; middle) or control RGD-3883 peptide (1 mg/mL; right). (B) Quantification of B-lineage cells arising from the cocultures. Error bars are SEM of 3 independent experiments. Left panel depicts cell numbers from experiments with 1 mg/mL RGD peptide; right panel depicts cell numbers from RGD dose-dependent experiments.

In vitro inhibition of B lymphopoiesis by synthetic RGD peptides. (A) Flow cytometric analysis of cells arising from cocultures of murine BM and OP9 cells (left) supplemented with inhibitory RGD-3661 peptide (1 mg/mL; middle) or control RGD-3883 peptide (1 mg/mL; right). (B) Quantification of B-lineage cells arising from the cocultures. Error bars are SEM of 3 independent experiments. Left panel depicts cell numbers from experiments with 1 mg/mL RGD peptide; right panel depicts cell numbers from RGD dose-dependent experiments.

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