Figure 4
Figure 4. RUNX1 and GATA1 are over-represented at constitutive RUNX1-occupied regions. (A) RUNX motif-binding energy is correlated with RUNX1 ChIP-seq occupancy. Indicated RUNX motif was inferred directly from RUNX1 occupancy peaks (see supplemental Methods). Boxplots represent the distributions of motif-binding energies (y-axis) in groups of regions with increasing RUNX1 ChIP-seq coverage (x-axis). Only regions marked with H3K4me1 were considered. The regions that passed the threshold and were thus defined as RUNX1 bound peaks are shown in green boxplots. Data are plotted separately for promoters (< 3 kb from TSS, top panel) and enhancers (> 3 kb from TSS, bottom). (B) The GATA binding motif is correlated with RUNX1 ChIP-seq occupancy. A GATA motif was inferred directly from RUNX1 constitutively bound peaks. The correspondence between RUNX1 occupancy and GATA motif-binding energies is presented as in panel A (but using a GATA motif model instead of a RUNX motif model). Data reveal a correlation between RUNX1 ChIP-seq occupancy and the intensity of GATA motifs. Boxplots represent the distributions of motif-binding energies (y-axis) in groups of H3K4me1-marked regions with increasing RUNX1 ChIP-seq readout coverage (x-axis). (C) Venn diagram summarizing the overlap between RUNX1 and GATA1 bound sites in K562. (D-F) Co-occurrence analysis of RUNX1 and GATA1. Shown are distributions of distances from RUNX1 bound sites to the nearest GATA motif (D), to the nearest GATA1 ChIP-seq peak in K562 cells (E), and to the nearest GATA1 ChIP-seq peak in K562-TPA cells (F). Distance distributions were computed separately for constitutively occupied RUNX1 sites (light green), de novo occupied RUNX1 sites (blue), or RUNX1 motifs in H3K4me1-marked regions without significant RUNX1 occupancy (gray).

RUNX1 and GATA1 are over-represented at constitutive RUNX1-occupied regions. (A) RUNX motif-binding energy is correlated with RUNX1 ChIP-seq occupancy. Indicated RUNX motif was inferred directly from RUNX1 occupancy peaks (see supplemental Methods). Boxplots represent the distributions of motif-binding energies (y-axis) in groups of regions with increasing RUNX1 ChIP-seq coverage (x-axis). Only regions marked with H3K4me1 were considered. The regions that passed the threshold and were thus defined as RUNX1 bound peaks are shown in green boxplots. Data are plotted separately for promoters (< 3 kb from TSS, top panel) and enhancers (> 3 kb from TSS, bottom). (B) The GATA binding motif is correlated with RUNX1 ChIP-seq occupancy. A GATA motif was inferred directly from RUNX1 constitutively bound peaks. The correspondence between RUNX1 occupancy and GATA motif-binding energies is presented as in panel A (but using a GATA motif model instead of a RUNX motif model). Data reveal a correlation between RUNX1 ChIP-seq occupancy and the intensity of GATA motifs. Boxplots represent the distributions of motif-binding energies (y-axis) in groups of H3K4me1-marked regions with increasing RUNX1 ChIP-seq readout coverage (x-axis). (C) Venn diagram summarizing the overlap between RUNX1 and GATA1 bound sites in K562. (D-F) Co-occurrence analysis of RUNX1 and GATA1. Shown are distributions of distances from RUNX1 bound sites to the nearest GATA motif (D), to the nearest GATA1 ChIP-seq peak in K562 cells (E), and to the nearest GATA1 ChIP-seq peak in K562-TPA cells (F). Distance distributions were computed separately for constitutively occupied RUNX1 sites (light green), de novo occupied RUNX1 sites (blue), or RUNX1 motifs in H3K4me1-marked regions without significant RUNX1 occupancy (gray).

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