Figure 1
Figure 1. FISH images of cells in newborn cord blood with ETV6-RUNX1 gene fusion. (A) Original image from Mori et al2 (Figure 5C). (B-F) Additional images from other ETV6-RUNX1+ cord blood screened in Mori et al.2 Blue indicates CD19 or CD10; red, RUNX1; green, ETV6; yellow (arrowed), ETV6-RUNX1 fusion; and red arrow, residual (small) RUNX1 signal.

FISH images of cells in newborn cord blood with ETV6-RUNX1 gene fusion. (A) Original image from Mori et al (Figure 5C). (B-F) Additional images from other ETV6-RUNX1+ cord blood screened in Mori et al. Blue indicates CD19 or CD10; red, RUNX1; green, ETV6; yellow (arrowed), ETV6-RUNX1 fusion; and red arrow, residual (small) RUNX1 signal.

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