Figure 1
Figure 1. Results of first screening versus sensitivity assay. ■ Mean Ct value of 10-fold dilutions of 2 × 106 ETV6-RUNX1–positive cells diluted in lymphocytes from UCB samples. Error bars represent 1 SD. The linear regression line is shown. ▾ Ct value of samples found positive in the first screening round (only dot-blot–positive samples shown).

Results of first screening versus sensitivity assay. ■ Mean Ct value of 10-fold dilutions of 2 × 106ETV6-RUNX1–positive cells diluted in lymphocytes from UCB samples. Error bars represent 1 SD. The linear regression line is shown. ▾ Ct value of samples found positive in the first screening round (only dot-blot–positive samples shown).

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