Figure 2
Figure 2. Characterization of FIX in 2bF9 transgenic mice and BMT recipients. (A) Quantitative evaluation of human FIX:Ag levels in mouse platelets. FIX:Ag was detected in platelet lysates from 2bF9 mice and BMT recipients. BMT-L indicates FIXnull mice that received 2bF9-L BM; BMT-H, FIXnull mice that received 2bF9-H BM; and WT, wild-type mice. (B) Platelet FIX was released from 2bF9-L and 2bF9-H mice by platelet agonist activation. (C) Comparison of platelet FIX:C with FIX:Ag level in 2bF9-L and 2bF9-H mice. FIX:C were measured by APTT assay and chromogenic assay (Chrom). Platelets from WT and FIXnull mice were used as negative controls. (D) Western blot of FIX in platelet releasate and lysates. Lane 1 indicates releasate of stimulated platelets from 2bF9-H mice; lane 2, platelet lysate of 2bF9-H mice; lane 3, platelet lysate of 2bF9-L mice; lane 4, FIX from normal human plasma (Haematologic Technologies) as a control; and lane 5, platelet lysate from FIXnull mice. (E) Quantitative evaluation of FIX:Ag levels in mouse plasma. FIX:Ag was detected in both 2bF9 and BMT recipient plasma. (F) Platelet FIX:Ag as a percentage of whole blood FIX:Ag in 2bF9 and BMT mice. These results demonstrate that FIX was detected in 2bF9 transgenic platelets and is releasable.

Characterization of FIX in 2bF9 transgenic mice and BMT recipients. (A) Quantitative evaluation of human FIX:Ag levels in mouse platelets. FIX:Ag was detected in platelet lysates from 2bF9 mice and BMT recipients. BMT-L indicates FIXnull mice that received 2bF9-L BM; BMT-H, FIXnull mice that received 2bF9-H BM; and WT, wild-type mice. (B) Platelet FIX was released from 2bF9-L and 2bF9-H mice by platelet agonist activation. (C) Comparison of platelet FIX:C with FIX:Ag level in 2bF9-L and 2bF9-H mice. FIX:C were measured by APTT assay and chromogenic assay (Chrom). Platelets from WT and FIXnull mice were used as negative controls. (D) Western blot of FIX in platelet releasate and lysates. Lane 1 indicates releasate of stimulated platelets from 2bF9-H mice; lane 2, platelet lysate of 2bF9-H mice; lane 3, platelet lysate of 2bF9-L mice; lane 4, FIX from normal human plasma (Haematologic Technologies) as a control; and lane 5, platelet lysate from FIXnull mice. (E) Quantitative evaluation of FIX:Ag levels in mouse plasma. FIX:Ag was detected in both 2bF9 and BMT recipient plasma. (F) Platelet FIX:Ag as a percentage of whole blood FIX:Ag in 2bF9 and BMT mice. These results demonstrate that FIX was detected in 2bF9 transgenic platelets and is releasable.

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