Figure 2
Figure 2. Endogenous and heterologously expressed p67phox or iPX are targeted to pre-phagosomal structures during phagocytosis of IgG-coated particles. (A) Primed WT neutrophils (5 × 104) were incubated without or with 1 × 106 serum-opsonized S aureus for 7 minutes at 37°C (i), or with 5 × 104 unopsonized or IgG-opsonized beads for 20 minutes at 37°C (ii), as described in “Phagocytosis assays.” Samples were cytospun (i) or allowed to adhere (ii) onto glass slides, fixed, and stained for p67phox as described in “Phagocytosis assays.” Mounted samples were visualized on a Zeiss LSM 510 META point-scanning microscope using fluorescence and DIC optics. Shown are representative fluorescence and DIC images for conditions tested. Phagosomal (i) and extra-phagosomal (ii; indicated by arrows) accumulation of p67phox was quantified for at least 50 events under each condition using LSM 510 Image browser software and expressed as mean ± SEM as a percentage of cytosolic levels, *P < .0001, Student t test. (B-C) BMNs expressing p67phox-GFP (Bi,Ci,Ciii) or GFP-iPX (Bii,Cii) in a WT genetic background were primed at a concentration of 2 × 107/mL, placed on ice and gently mixed at regular intervals. Aliquots of 5 × 105-1 × 106 cells were settled onto glass coverslips in imaging chambers that were previously blocked with 100% FBS. Cells were incubated with serum-opsonized S aureus (1-5:1 S.aureus:neutrophil; B), or IgG-SRBCs (20:1 IgG-SRBCs:neutrophils; C). z-stacks of neutrophils undergoing phagocytosis were captured over time on a Nikon-Eclipse spinning disk confocal microscope equipped with an ultrasensitive EM-CCD camera, as described in “Live imaging.” A total of 20-22 slices were captured for each time frame, at a distance of 0.5 μm between each slice, encompassing the whole neutrophil. The exposure time was 100 milliseconds, and the time interval between each frame was 5.896 seconds (p67phox-GFP), 10.52 seconds (GFP-iPX; Bii), or 11.046 seconds (GFP-iPX; Cii). 3D reconstruction was performed using Volocity software, and reconstructions at individual time frames representing different stages of phagocytosis are shown. The time of attachment of particle to neutrophil and/or the time of formation of the phagocytic cup was defined as t = 0. Stars indicated the position of particles during various stages of phagocytosis; white arrows indicate the position of bacterial phagosomes containing p67phox-GFP or GFP-iPX (B) or pre-phagosomal accumulation of p67phox-GFP or GFP-iPX (C). Imaging experiments were performed with neutrophils from individual mice, on at least 2 different days. (Ciii) Series of confocal images over time, showing fusion of a pre-phagosomal structure containing p67phox-GFP with an IgG-SRBC phagosome.

Endogenous and heterologously expressed p67phox or iPX are targeted to pre-phagosomal structures during phagocytosis of IgG-coated particles. (A) Primed WT neutrophils (5 × 104) were incubated without or with 1 × 106 serum-opsonized S aureus for 7 minutes at 37°C (i), or with 5 × 104 unopsonized or IgG-opsonized beads for 20 minutes at 37°C (ii), as described in “Phagocytosis assays.” Samples were cytospun (i) or allowed to adhere (ii) onto glass slides, fixed, and stained for p67phox as described in “Phagocytosis assays.” Mounted samples were visualized on a Zeiss LSM 510 META point-scanning microscope using fluorescence and DIC optics. Shown are representative fluorescence and DIC images for conditions tested. Phagosomal (i) and extra-phagosomal (ii; indicated by arrows) accumulation of p67phox was quantified for at least 50 events under each condition using LSM 510 Image browser software and expressed as mean ± SEM as a percentage of cytosolic levels, *P < .0001, Student t test. (B-C) BMNs expressing p67phox-GFP (Bi,Ci,Ciii) or GFP-iPX (Bii,Cii) in a WT genetic background were primed at a concentration of 2 × 107/mL, placed on ice and gently mixed at regular intervals. Aliquots of 5 × 105-1 × 106 cells were settled onto glass coverslips in imaging chambers that were previously blocked with 100% FBS. Cells were incubated with serum-opsonized S aureus (1-5:1 S.aureus:neutrophil; B), or IgG-SRBCs (20:1 IgG-SRBCs:neutrophils; C). z-stacks of neutrophils undergoing phagocytosis were captured over time on a Nikon-Eclipse spinning disk confocal microscope equipped with an ultrasensitive EM-CCD camera, as described in “Live imaging.” A total of 20-22 slices were captured for each time frame, at a distance of 0.5 μm between each slice, encompassing the whole neutrophil. The exposure time was 100 milliseconds, and the time interval between each frame was 5.896 seconds (p67phox-GFP), 10.52 seconds (GFP-iPX; Bii), or 11.046 seconds (GFP-iPX; Cii). 3D reconstruction was performed using Volocity software, and reconstructions at individual time frames representing different stages of phagocytosis are shown. The time of attachment of particle to neutrophil and/or the time of formation of the phagocytic cup was defined as t = 0. Stars indicated the position of particles during various stages of phagocytosis; white arrows indicate the position of bacterial phagosomes containing p67phox-GFP or GFP-iPX (B) or pre-phagosomal accumulation of p67phox-GFP or GFP-iPX (C). Imaging experiments were performed with neutrophils from individual mice, on at least 2 different days. (Ciii) Series of confocal images over time, showing fusion of a pre-phagosomal structure containing p67phox-GFP with an IgG-SRBC phagosome.

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