Figure 4
Figure 4. Differentiation potential of wt and Hhex−/− CD45+ cells. The ability to produce lymphoid and myeloid progeny from wt and Hhex−/− CD45+ cells remains intact. (A) The frequency of CD45+B220+ B cells as determined by flow cytometry, from wt Jet and Hhex−/− cocultures on days 6 to 9. A significant change in B-cell frequency was observed on day 6 in the Hhex−/− cocultures but not on subsequent days (P < .05, 2-tailed t test). (B) The frequency of CD45+CD19+ B cells from wt Jet and Hhex−/− cocultures. (C) The frequency of CD45+CD11b+ cells from wt Jet and Hhex−/− cocultures. Error bars represent SD.

Differentiation potential of wt and Hhex−/− CD45+ cells. The ability to produce lymphoid and myeloid progeny from wt and Hhex−/− CD45+ cells remains intact. (A) The frequency of CD45+B220+ B cells as determined by flow cytometry, from wt Jet and Hhex−/− cocultures on days 6 to 9. A significant change in B-cell frequency was observed on day 6 in the Hhex−/− cocultures but not on subsequent days (P < .05, 2-tailed t test). (B) The frequency of CD45+CD19+ B cells from wt Jet and Hhex−/− cocultures. (C) The frequency of CD45+CD11b+ cells from wt Jet and Hhex−/− cocultures. Error bars represent SD.

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