Figure 6
Figure 6. Histologic analysis of WT, nonleukemic Hwt/wt/Ttg/wt (9 months old), leukemic H−/−/Ttg/wt mice (9 months old), and leukemic Hwt/wt/Ttg/wt (15 months old). (A) Histopathologic examination of lymphoid tissues: in comparison with WT Hwt/wt/Ttg/wt mice (9 months old) showed an early, interfollicular effacement of splenic architecture by medium-sized lymphoid cells that almost completely replaced splenic tissue in Hwt/wt/Ttg/wt (15 months old) and H−/−/Ttg/wt (9 months old) mice. Liver involvement with roughly similar degree of infiltration was noted only in Hwt/wt/Ttg/wt (15 months old) and H−/−/Ttg/wt (9 months old) mice. Areas of BM infiltration by neoplastic lymphocytes, shown by arrows, were restricted to leukemic H−/−/Ttg/wt (9 months old) and Hwt/wt/Ttg/wt (15 months old) mice (hematoxylin-eosin stained sections; 100× magnification for spleen, 200× for liver; 400× for bone marrow). (B) Immunohistochemical stains showed that in H−/−/Ttg/wt mice (9 months old) the majority of leukemic infiltrates in spleen, liver, and mesenteric lymph nodes was B220+ (top panel). The lower panel highlights the different replicative fraction in the evaluated organs, according to Ki-67 immunostaining (200×). Images were acquired with an Axioscop 40 microscope (Zeiss) equipped with an Axiocam MRC camera (Zeiss).

Histologic analysis of WT, nonleukemic Hwt/wt/Ttg/wt (9 months old), leukemic H−/−/Ttg/wt mice (9 months old), and leukemic Hwt/wt/Ttg/wt (15 months old). (A) Histopathologic examination of lymphoid tissues: in comparison with WT Hwt/wt/Ttg/wt mice (9 months old) showed an early, interfollicular effacement of splenic architecture by medium-sized lymphoid cells that almost completely replaced splenic tissue in Hwt/wt/Ttg/wt (15 months old) and H−/−/Ttg/wt (9 months old) mice. Liver involvement with roughly similar degree of infiltration was noted only in Hwt/wt/Ttg/wt (15 months old) and H−/−/Ttg/wt (9 months old) mice. Areas of BM infiltration by neoplastic lymphocytes, shown by arrows, were restricted to leukemic H−/−/Ttg/wt (9 months old) and Hwt/wt/Ttg/wt (15 months old) mice (hematoxylin-eosin stained sections; 100× magnification for spleen, 200× for liver; 400× for bone marrow). (B) Immunohistochemical stains showed that in H−/−/Ttg/wt mice (9 months old) the majority of leukemic infiltrates in spleen, liver, and mesenteric lymph nodes was B220+ (top panel). The lower panel highlights the different replicative fraction in the evaluated organs, according to Ki-67 immunostaining (200×). Images were acquired with an Axioscop 40 microscope (Zeiss) equipped with an Axiocam MRC camera (Zeiss).

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