Figure 5
Figure 5. Synectin knockdown impairs lymphatics in tadpoles. In all panels, the head of the tadpoles faces left and dorsal is up. Scale bars represent 100 μm in panels A-B and K-L; 50 μm in panels C-F; 150 μm in panels G-H; and 400 μm in panels I-J. DCLV indicates dorsal caudal lymph vessel; DLAV, dorsal anastomosing longitudinal vessel; PCV, posterior cardinal vein; and VCLV, ventral caudal lymph vessel. (A-F) Fluorescent analysis of blood and lymph vessels in stage 47 transgenic Flk1:eGFP tadpoles. Lymph vessels are labeled with TRITC-dextran that was intracardially injected at stage 45 and taken up by LECs after extravasation from the blood vessels. Hence, GFP+ BECs can be easily distinguished from doubly labeled (yellow) LECs. Areas in the trunk corresponding to the boxed areas in panels A or B are shown in panels C-F. In control tadpoles, both the DCLV (C) and the VCLV (E) developed normally. Injection of 30 ng of synectin morpholino resulted in a hypoplastic, disorganized, and discontinuous DCLV (D), while the VCLV (F) had a grossly normal appearance. (G-H) Lymphangiography of stage 45 Flk1:eGFP tadpoles, revealing dysfunction of the VCLV after synectin knockdown (H) in contrast to normal controls (G). Whereas in control injected embryos, the dye is drained normally in a rostral direction (white arrows in G), no dye uptake was observed in the VCLV in synectinKD tadpoles. White asterisks indicate injection site of the fluorescent dye. (I-J) Bright-field pictures of live embryos at stage 45 (5 dpf), showing lymphedema (arrows) in a synectinKD tadpole (J) compared with a control tadpole (I). (K-L) Whole mount Prox-1 in situ hybridization of stage 35/36 tadpoles, revealing the presence of fewer Prox-1+ LECs in the area ventrally to the dorsal margin of the endoderm (reflecting lymphatic lineage emergence) and in the area dorsally to this margin (reflecting LEC budding/migration) in the posterior trunk of synectinKD-morphant tadpoles (L) compared control (K) tadpoles. Dotted line: dorsal margin of the endoderm. (M-N) Morphometric measurement revealed a dose-dependent decrease of the Prox-1+ area both ventrally (M) and dorsally (N) of the dorsal margin of the endoderm in the trunk of Prox-1–stained synectinKD compared with control tadpoles at stage 35/36, indicating that lymphatic lineage development and migration is affected upon synectin knockdown. Values expressed relative to control. *P < .001 by multivariate analysis.

Synectin knockdown impairs lymphatics in tadpoles. In all panels, the head of the tadpoles faces left and dorsal is up. Scale bars represent 100 μm in panels A-B and K-L; 50 μm in panels C-F; 150 μm in panels G-H; and 400 μm in panels I-J. DCLV indicates dorsal caudal lymph vessel; DLAV, dorsal anastomosing longitudinal vessel; PCV, posterior cardinal vein; and VCLV, ventral caudal lymph vessel. (A-F) Fluorescent analysis of blood and lymph vessels in stage 47 transgenic Flk1:eGFP tadpoles. Lymph vessels are labeled with TRITC-dextran that was intracardially injected at stage 45 and taken up by LECs after extravasation from the blood vessels. Hence, GFP+ BECs can be easily distinguished from doubly labeled (yellow) LECs. Areas in the trunk corresponding to the boxed areas in panels A or B are shown in panels C-F. In control tadpoles, both the DCLV (C) and the VCLV (E) developed normally. Injection of 30 ng of synectin morpholino resulted in a hypoplastic, disorganized, and discontinuous DCLV (D), while the VCLV (F) had a grossly normal appearance. (G-H) Lymphangiography of stage 45 Flk1:eGFP tadpoles, revealing dysfunction of the VCLV after synectin knockdown (H) in contrast to normal controls (G). Whereas in control injected embryos, the dye is drained normally in a rostral direction (white arrows in G), no dye uptake was observed in the VCLV in synectinKD tadpoles. White asterisks indicate injection site of the fluorescent dye. (I-J) Bright-field pictures of live embryos at stage 45 (5 dpf), showing lymphedema (arrows) in a synectinKD tadpole (J) compared with a control tadpole (I). (K-L) Whole mount Prox-1 in situ hybridization of stage 35/36 tadpoles, revealing the presence of fewer Prox-1+ LECs in the area ventrally to the dorsal margin of the endoderm (reflecting lymphatic lineage emergence) and in the area dorsally to this margin (reflecting LEC budding/migration) in the posterior trunk of synectinKD-morphant tadpoles (L) compared control (K) tadpoles. Dotted line: dorsal margin of the endoderm. (M-N) Morphometric measurement revealed a dose-dependent decrease of the Prox-1+ area both ventrally (M) and dorsally (N) of the dorsal margin of the endoderm in the trunk of Prox-1–stained synectinKD compared with control tadpoles at stage 35/36, indicating that lymphatic lineage development and migration is affected upon synectin knockdown. Values expressed relative to control. *P < .001 by multivariate analysis.

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