Figure 3
Figure 3. Flow chamber adhesion assay investigating binding of non–targ-CD39 and targ-CD39 to microthrombi. Platelet microthrombi were generated on a collagen matrix. Non–targ-CD39 and targ-CD39 were flown over these microthrombi, and binding was assessed by fluorescence microscopy. The scFv-CD39 constructs were detected with an Alexa Fluor-488–coupled anti–Penta-His secondary monoclonal antibody that binds to the constructs’ 6xHis-tag.

Flow chamber adhesion assay investigating binding of non–targ-CD39 and targ-CD39 to microthrombi. Platelet microthrombi were generated on a collagen matrix. Non–targ-CD39 and targ-CD39 were flown over these microthrombi, and binding was assessed by fluorescence microscopy. The scFv-CD39 constructs were detected with an Alexa Fluor-488–coupled anti–Penta-His secondary monoclonal antibody that binds to the constructs’ 6xHis-tag.

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