Figure 4
Figure 4. Hey2 is expressed downstream of Vegf signaling in the DA. Inhibition of the Hh signaling pathway with the Smoothened inhibitor cyclopamine (100μM) or of the Vegf signaling pathway with a VegfR inhibitor (5μM) from 90% epiboly (9 hpf) caused a loss of hey2 expression in the DA (Ai,iii,Bi,iii arrow). Although injection of 100 pg of vegfA mRNA did not change hey2 expression in control embryos, it rescued hey2 expression in cyclopamine-treated embryos (Aii,iv). In a similar rescue experiment, heat-shock–induced ubiquitous expression of NICD at the 17s (17.5-hpf) stage failed to rescue hey2 expression. All views of embryos are lateral, with anterior left and dorsal up. Numbers of embryos with hey2 gene expression in the DA are given as a fraction of the number of embryos analyzed. inh. indicates inhibitor.

Hey2 is expressed downstream of Vegf signaling in the DA. Inhibition of the Hh signaling pathway with the Smoothened inhibitor cyclopamine (100μM) or of the Vegf signaling pathway with a VegfR inhibitor (5μM) from 90% epiboly (9 hpf) caused a loss of hey2 expression in the DA (Ai,iii,Bi,iii arrow). Although injection of 100 pg of vegfA mRNA did not change hey2 expression in control embryos, it rescued hey2 expression in cyclopamine-treated embryos (Aii,iv). In a similar rescue experiment, heat-shock–induced ubiquitous expression of NICD at the 17s (17.5-hpf) stage failed to rescue hey2 expression. All views of embryos are lateral, with anterior left and dorsal up. Numbers of embryos with hey2 gene expression in the DA are given as a fraction of the number of embryos analyzed. inh. indicates inhibitor.

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