Figure 4
Figure 4. Accumulation of WT versus CCR7−/− Tn cells within B6D2 recipients. B6D2 recipients were lethally irradiated and then administered 3 × 106 TCD BM cells from WT B6 donors with or without 4 × 106 CD25-depleted eGFP+ Tn cells from either WT B6 or CCR7−/− B6 donors on day 0. (A-F) Recipient mice were anesthetized on transplantation day +15, and donor T-cell trafficking was studied using stereofluorescence microscopy. Tissues from 1 of 3 representative WT Tn cell recipients are depicted in the top panels, and tissues from 1 of 3 representative CCR7−/− Tn cell recipients are depicted in the bottom panels. Images on the left of each panel depict actual eGFP fluorescence, while those on the right indicate the intensity of the eGFP signal (white > red > yellow > green > blue > black). (G-I) Recipient mice were anesthetized on transplantation day +3, and donor T-cell trafficking to SLTs was evaluated using stereofluorescence microscopy. Images are taken from 1 of 3 representative WT Tn cell recipients and from 1 of 3 CCR7−/− Tn recipients. (J) Recipient animals were euthanized on transplantation day +15, and their organs were homogenized in a PBS/protease-inhibitor solution. After appropriate dilutions, eGFP levels were measured in each site using an anti-GFP ELISA kit. n = 4 per group. *P = .044; **P = .011; ***P = .002. Organs were pooled from a B6D2 mouse that received a transplant of TCD BM cells plus non–eGFP-expressing B6 Tn cells for control purposes. (K) Recipient animals were killed on transplantation day 3, and their spleens were homogenized for analysis by anti-GFP ELISA. n = 3 per group. *P = .002. Error bars for panels J and K indicate SEM.

Accumulation of WT versus CCR7−/− Tn cells within B6D2 recipients. B6D2 recipients were lethally irradiated and then administered 3 × 106 TCD BM cells from WT B6 donors with or without 4 × 106 CD25-depleted eGFP+ Tn cells from either WT B6 or CCR7−/− B6 donors on day 0. (A-F) Recipient mice were anesthetized on transplantation day +15, and donor T-cell trafficking was studied using stereofluorescence microscopy. Tissues from 1 of 3 representative WT Tn cell recipients are depicted in the top panels, and tissues from 1 of 3 representative CCR7−/− Tn cell recipients are depicted in the bottom panels. Images on the left of each panel depict actual eGFP fluorescence, while those on the right indicate the intensity of the eGFP signal (white > red > yellow > green > blue > black). (G-I) Recipient mice were anesthetized on transplantation day +3, and donor T-cell trafficking to SLTs was evaluated using stereofluorescence microscopy. Images are taken from 1 of 3 representative WT Tn cell recipients and from 1 of 3 CCR7−/− Tn recipients. (J) Recipient animals were euthanized on transplantation day +15, and their organs were homogenized in a PBS/protease-inhibitor solution. After appropriate dilutions, eGFP levels were measured in each site using an anti-GFP ELISA kit. n = 4 per group. *P = .044; **P = .011; ***P = .002. Organs were pooled from a B6D2 mouse that received a transplant of TCD BM cells plus non–eGFP-expressing B6 Tn cells for control purposes. (K) Recipient animals were killed on transplantation day 3, and their spleens were homogenized for analysis by anti-GFP ELISA. n = 3 per group. *P = .002. Error bars for panels J and K indicate SEM.

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