Figure 6
Figure 6. Inhibition of VEGF receptors in zebrafish results in reduced etsrp+ angioblast numbers including reduced numbers at the midline. Embryos were treated from 10 to 16 hpf with vehicle control DMSO (A) or VEGF receptor inhibitors ZM323881 (1 μm; B) or SU4516 (10 μm; C), and angioblast positions were analyzed by whole-mount ISH for etsrp. Inhibitor-treated embryos show reduced angioblast numbers, and strongly reduced etsrp+ cells at the midline. (D) ecscr morphants show disrupted anterior vascular cord. Each result is representative of more than 20 embryos from 2 independent experiments. Scale bar in panel A represents 200 μm.

Inhibition of VEGF receptors in zebrafish results in reduced etsrp+ angioblast numbers including reduced numbers at the midline. Embryos were treated from 10 to 16 hpf with vehicle control DMSO (A) or VEGF receptor inhibitors ZM323881 (1 μm; B) or SU4516 (10 μm; C), and angioblast positions were analyzed by whole-mount ISH for etsrp. Inhibitor-treated embryos show reduced angioblast numbers, and strongly reduced etsrp+ cells at the midline. (D) ecscr morphants show disrupted anterior vascular cord. Each result is representative of more than 20 embryos from 2 independent experiments. Scale bar in panel A represents 200 μm.

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