Figure 2
Figure 2. Subtypes of HLA haplotype P1. Data from chromosome 6p (from nucleotides 26252770-33187790) of 32 persons with consecutive homozygous SNPs throughout the 6.9-Mb region. The SNP sequence of persons was compared with consensus sequence across the 6.9-Mb region. Each column indicates 1 person. Each of 1395 evenly spaced rows represents 1 SNP locus. Gray row represents SNPs identical to the consensus alleles; and red row, SNPs different from the consensus alleles. Missing SNPs were not counted. A total of 26 of 32 persons had alleles identical to consensus alleles across 6.9 Mb (subtype A of HP-P1), whereas the remaining 6 persons had apparently different alleles in the telomeric region from nucleotide 29414635 (subtype B of HP-P1). These data indicated that the telomeric region of HP-P1 was clearly divided into 2 different haplotypes.

Subtypes of HLA haplotype P1. Data from chromosome 6p (from nucleotides 26252770-33187790) of 32 persons with consecutive homozygous SNPs throughout the 6.9-Mb region. The SNP sequence of persons was compared with consensus sequence across the 6.9-Mb region. Each column indicates 1 person. Each of 1395 evenly spaced rows represents 1 SNP locus. Gray row represents SNPs identical to the consensus alleles; and red row, SNPs different from the consensus alleles. Missing SNPs were not counted. A total of 26 of 32 persons had alleles identical to consensus alleles across 6.9 Mb (subtype A of HP-P1), whereas the remaining 6 persons had apparently different alleles in the telomeric region from nucleotide 29414635 (subtype B of HP-P1). These data indicated that the telomeric region of HP-P1 was clearly divided into 2 different haplotypes.

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