Quantification of selected genes by qRT-PCR analysis. qRT-PCR analysis for (A) MET, (B) TNFRSF21, (C) CCND3, (D) CCL2, and (E) PRDM1, ATG5, AIM1, and HACE1 in NKTCL primary tumors and cell lines. The results are expressed as relative fold change compared with resting CD3−/CD56+ NK cells sorted from peripheral blood. Quantifications were performed in duplicate, and mean values and SD were calculated for each transcript. (A-D) In agreement with the microarray results, mRNA levels of MET, CCL2, and TNFRSF21 are increased in NKTCL primary tumors compared with normal NK cells, whereas CCND3 mRNA is reduced (E). The analysis of 4 putative tumor suppressors in 6q21 region show that the transcripts levels of HACE1, AIM1, and ATG5 are reduced in primary tumors and cell lines whereas the mRNA level of PRDM1 is increased in primary tumors, due to a wide variation from case to case (not shown).