Figure 1
VWF multimers of a patient with VWD subtype 2A/IIE (mutation p.C1173R). Low (1.2%) and medium (1.6%) resolution gel. Densitometric evaluation of the 1.6% gel. Arrows point to the outer proteolytic bands only visible in the normal multimers (N). The patient's multimers (P) lack the outer proteolytic bands, a characteristic feature of this subtype.

VWF multimers of a patient with VWD subtype 2A/IIE (mutation p.C1173R). Low (1.2%) and medium (1.6%) resolution gel. Densitometric evaluation of the 1.6% gel. Arrows point to the outer proteolytic bands only visible in the normal multimers (N). The patient's multimers (P) lack the outer proteolytic bands, a characteristic feature of this subtype.

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