Figure 3
Figure 3. Tissue pathology. Prussian blue staining of kidney (A), liver (B), and spleen (C) tissue sections from (left to right) NOD control (NOD-+/+), sph3J/sph3J mutant, B6 control (B6-+/+), and sph4J/sph4J mutant mice. Note the extensive iron accumulation in kidney tubules and liver parenchyma of mutant mice. Mutant liver sections also contain numerous foci of extramedullary hematopoiesis. Bars, 100 μm.

Tissue pathology. Prussian blue staining of kidney (A), liver (B), and spleen (C) tissue sections from (left to right) NOD control (NOD-+/+), sph3J/sph3J mutant, B6 control (B6-+/+), and sph4J/sph4J mutant mice. Note the extensive iron accumulation in kidney tubules and liver parenchyma of mutant mice. Mutant liver sections also contain numerous foci of extramedullary hematopoiesis. Bars, 100 μm.

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