Figure 1
Figure 1. Identification of sph3J and sph4J defects in Spna1. (A) A cytosine to thymine change in the sph3J allele causes a histidine to tyrosine substitution at residue 2012 of α-spectrin, and a guanine to adenine change in the sph4J allele causes a cysteine to tyrosine substitution at residue 2384 of α-spectrin. (B) Schematic representation of the α-spectrin monomer is depicted with repeat 10 shown as a Src homology domain (SH3; redrawn from Walensky et al6). The approximate locations of 4 previously identified sph alleles (sph, sphDem, sph1J, sph2BC), sph3J and sph4J, and the sphIhj allele are indicated. sph has a single nucleotide deletion in repeat 5 that results in a premature stop codon43; sphDem has an in-frame deletion of exon 11 that deletes 46 amino acids from repeat 521; sph2BC has a guanine to thymine substitution in intron 41 that results in a frame shift and premature stop codon in repeat 1942; sph1J is a deletion of the C-terminal 13 amino acids42; sph3J is a missense mutation in repeat 19 of the αβ-spectrin dimer nucleation site; sph4J is a missense mutation in the C-terminus within the EF-hand domain just upstream of sph1J deletion; and sphIhj is a premature stop codon in repeat 18. (C) The sph3J mutation creates an RsaI recognition site that was used to genotype mice after PCR amplification. The wild-type fragment is 536 bp. RsaI digestion produces fragments of 401 and 135 bp in mutant mice. (D) The sph4J mutation destroys an RsaI site and was used to genotype mice after PCR amplification. RsaI digestion does not produce the wild-type fragments of 315 and 105 bp but instead a 420-bp fragment. Note that the smallest PCR fragments, 135 bp and 105 bp, are not visible. All inbred strains of mice tested for each allele retain the wild-type genotypes.

Identification of sph3J and sph4J defects in Spna1. (A) A cytosine to thymine change in the sph3J allele causes a histidine to tyrosine substitution at residue 2012 of α-spectrin, and a guanine to adenine change in the sph4J allele causes a cysteine to tyrosine substitution at residue 2384 of α-spectrin. (B) Schematic representation of the α-spectrin monomer is depicted with repeat 10 shown as a Src homology domain (SH3; redrawn from Walensky et al). The approximate locations of 4 previously identified sph alleles (sph, sphDem, sph1J, sph2BC), sph3J and sph4J, and the sphIhj allele are indicated. sph has a single nucleotide deletion in repeat 5 that results in a premature stop codon43 ; sphDem has an in-frame deletion of exon 11 that deletes 46 amino acids from repeat 521 ; sph2BC has a guanine to thymine substitution in intron 41 that results in a frame shift and premature stop codon in repeat 1942 ; sph1J is a deletion of the C-terminal 13 amino acids42 ; sph3J is a missense mutation in repeat 19 of the αβ-spectrin dimer nucleation site; sph4J is a missense mutation in the C-terminus within the EF-hand domain just upstream of sph1J deletion; and sphIhj is a premature stop codon in repeat 18. (C) The sph3J mutation creates an RsaI recognition site that was used to genotype mice after PCR amplification. The wild-type fragment is 536 bp. RsaI digestion produces fragments of 401 and 135 bp in mutant mice. (D) The sph4J mutation destroys an RsaI site and was used to genotype mice after PCR amplification. RsaI digestion does not produce the wild-type fragments of 315 and 105 bp but instead a 420-bp fragment. Note that the smallest PCR fragments, 135 bp and 105 bp, are not visible. All inbred strains of mice tested for each allele retain the wild-type genotypes.

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