Figure 5
Figure 5. BM and peritoneal cell analysis. BM (A-B) and peritoneal (C) cells from GIMAP1fl/flhCD2-iCre− and GIMAP1fl/flhCD2-iCre+ mice were stained for flow cytometric analysis to identify B-lineage subsets. (A) Representative FACS plots for each genotype. The numbers given inside the component panels in A are the percentages of lymphoctye events contained within the indicated gates. (B) Mean numbers (± SD) of B-lineage subsets in BM (■ indicates GIMAP1fl/flhCD2-iCre−,n = 6; □, GIMAP1fl/flhCD2-iCre+, n = 6). (C) Mean numbers (± SD) of lymphocyte populations in peritoneum (■ indicates GIMAP1fl/flhCD2-iCre−, n = 6; □, GIMAP1fl/flhCD2-iCre+, n = 4). *P < .05 (unpaired 2-tailed Student t test).

BM and peritoneal cell analysis. BM (A-B) and peritoneal (C) cells from GIMAP1fl/flhCD2-iCre and GIMAP1fl/flhCD2-iCre+ mice were stained for flow cytometric analysis to identify B-lineage subsets. (A) Representative FACS plots for each genotype. The numbers given inside the component panels in A are the percentages of lymphoctye events contained within the indicated gates. (B) Mean numbers (± SD) of B-lineage subsets in BM (■ indicates GIMAP1fl/flhCD2-iCre,n = 6; □, GIMAP1fl/flhCD2-iCre+, n = 6). (C) Mean numbers (± SD) of lymphocyte populations in peritoneum (■ indicates GIMAP1fl/flhCD2-iCre, n = 6; □, GIMAP1fl/flhCD2-iCre+, n = 4). *P < .05 (unpaired 2-tailed Student t test).

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