Figure 4
Tolerance of uneducated NK cells in both T cell–replete and T cell–depleted SCT. CD107a expression by NKG2A−CD56dim NK cells expressing self or nonself KIRs relative to the response of NKG2A−KIR− cells in the donor before SCT and in the recipient at the indicated time points after SCT. Shown are mean values of 6 (T cell–replete) and 5 (T cell–depleted) donor-recipient pairs. Error bars represent SEM.

Tolerance of uneducated NK cells in both T cell–replete and T cell–depleted SCT. CD107a expression by NKG2ACD56dim NK cells expressing self or nonself KIRs relative to the response of NKG2AKIR cells in the donor before SCT and in the recipient at the indicated time points after SCT. Shown are mean values of 6 (T cell–replete) and 5 (T cell–depleted) donor-recipient pairs. Error bars represent SEM.

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