Figure 2
Figure 2. miR-221/222 transduction decreases p27 expression in MEC1 cells. Total cell lysate from parental MEC1 cells or MEC1 transduced with vectors encoding miR-221/222 and 223, as control, were subjected to Western blot analysis. Blots were stained with anti-p27 antibody and then stripped and reprobed with β-actin as loading control. A representative blot is shown (A). Densitometric analysis shows the entity of reduction in p27 expression. The average of 3 independent experiments is shown in the graph (mean + SD; B).

miR-221/222 transduction decreases p27 expression in MEC1 cells. Total cell lysate from parental MEC1 cells or MEC1 transduced with vectors encoding miR-221/222 and 223, as control, were subjected to Western blot analysis. Blots were stained with anti-p27 antibody and then stripped and reprobed with β-actin as loading control. A representative blot is shown (A). Densitometric analysis shows the entity of reduction in p27 expression. The average of 3 independent experiments is shown in the graph (mean + SD; B).

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