Figure 5
Figure 5. Dleu7 expression results in cell death. (A) A549 cells were infected with 80 MOI of Ad5-DLEU7 or Ad5-control virus; 2 days later, cells were harvested and used in the Click-iT EdU Flow Cytometry Assay. Plot data for cells labeled with Click-iT EdU Pacific Blue fluorescence (y-axis) and cells labeled with Click-iT CellCycle 488-Red (7-ADD) fluorescence (x-axis). A total of 3 subgroups, representing the percentage of cells in S phase, G1 phase, and G2 phase of cell cycle, are shown for cells infected with Ad5-DLEU7 and Ad5-control, respectively. (B-C) A549 cells were infected with 350 MOI of Ad5-DLEU7 or Ad5-control virus; 4 days (B) or 5 days (C) later, cells were harvested and treated with APC annexin V conjugate, which binds apoptotic cells. Panels show plot data for cells labeled with APC annexin V fluorescence (y-axis) and GFP green fluorescence for infected cells (x-axis). A total of 2 subgroups, representing the percentage of apoptotic cells and viable cells, are shown. (D-E) A549 cells were infected with 350 MOI of Ad5-DLEU7 or Ad5-control virus; 4 days (D) or 5 days (E) later, cells were harvested and treated with MitoProbe DiIC1(5) dye, which accumulates in mitochondria with active membrane potentials. DiIC1(5) stain intensity decreases in apoptotic cells. Panels show plot data for cells labeled with MitoProbe DiIC1(5) fluorescence (y-axis) and GFP green fluorescence for infected cells (x-axis). A total of 2 subgroups, representing the percentage of apoptotic cells and viable cells, are shown.

Dleu7 expression results in cell death. (A) A549 cells were infected with 80 MOI of Ad5-DLEU7 or Ad5-control virus; 2 days later, cells were harvested and used in the Click-iT EdU Flow Cytometry Assay. Plot data for cells labeled with Click-iT EdU Pacific Blue fluorescence (y-axis) and cells labeled with Click-iT CellCycle 488-Red (7-ADD) fluorescence (x-axis). A total of 3 subgroups, representing the percentage of cells in S phase, G1 phase, and G2 phase of cell cycle, are shown for cells infected with Ad5-DLEU7 and Ad5-control, respectively. (B-C) A549 cells were infected with 350 MOI of Ad5-DLEU7 or Ad5-control virus; 4 days (B) or 5 days (C) later, cells were harvested and treated with APC annexin V conjugate, which binds apoptotic cells. Panels show plot data for cells labeled with APC annexin V fluorescence (y-axis) and GFP green fluorescence for infected cells (x-axis). A total of 2 subgroups, representing the percentage of apoptotic cells and viable cells, are shown. (D-E) A549 cells were infected with 350 MOI of Ad5-DLEU7 or Ad5-control virus; 4 days (D) or 5 days (E) later, cells were harvested and treated with MitoProbe DiIC1(5) dye, which accumulates in mitochondria with active membrane potentials. DiIC1(5) stain intensity decreases in apoptotic cells. Panels show plot data for cells labeled with MitoProbe DiIC1(5) fluorescence (y-axis) and GFP green fluorescence for infected cells (x-axis). A total of 2 subgroups, representing the percentage of apoptotic cells and viable cells, are shown.

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