Figure 4
Figure 4. FANCAi and FANCD2i hESCs display reduced hematopoietic gene expression during in vitro differentiation. All data are presented as mean ± SEM. The number of biologic replicates (n) is reported for each panel. ***P < .01, **.01 < P < .03. (A) FACS analysis of day 20 EB-derived cells for the percentage of CD45+ cells. n = 8. (B-C) qRT-PCR analysis of representative hematopoietic (B), endothelial, and cardiac (C) markers in day 20 EBs. Relative gene expression (y-axis) is expressed as percentage and was calculated relative to LUCi expression levels after normalization with GAPDH. n = 6. (D) FACS analysis of day 20 EB-derived cells for the percentage of CD34+ cells. n = 6.

FANCAi and FANCD2i hESCs display reduced hematopoietic gene expression during in vitro differentiation. All data are presented as mean ± SEM. The number of biologic replicates (n) is reported for each panel. ***P < .01, **.01 < P < .03. (A) FACS analysis of day 20 EB-derived cells for the percentage of CD45+ cells. n = 8. (B-C) qRT-PCR analysis of representative hematopoietic (B), endothelial, and cardiac (C) markers in day 20 EBs. Relative gene expression (y-axis) is expressed as percentage and was calculated relative to LUCi expression levels after normalization with GAPDH. n = 6. (D) FACS analysis of day 20 EB-derived cells for the percentage of CD34+ cells. n = 6.

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