Figure 7
Figure 7. MAPCs affect costimulatory molecule expression on T cells and DCs in the spleen. FACS analysis of spleen cells harvested from transplanted mice on day 4 was performed to determine the percentage of CD4+ (A), CD8+ (B), and CD11c+ (C) cells that expressed the indicated costimulatory molecules. In this transplant, MAPCs were untreated or pretreated with indomethacin, as described, before their application.

MAPCs affect costimulatory molecule expression on T cells and DCs in the spleen. FACS analysis of spleen cells harvested from transplanted mice on day 4 was performed to determine the percentage of CD4+ (A), CD8+ (B), and CD11c+ (C) cells that expressed the indicated costimulatory molecules. In this transplant, MAPCs were untreated or pretreated with indomethacin, as described, before their application.

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