Figure 5
Figure 5. Expression of proximal-hCD4 and distal-GFP in fetal liver. (A) FACS analysis of proximal-hCD4 and distal-GFP expression in fetal livers isolated from embryos between E10.5 and E14.5. (B) FACS analysis of distal-GFP coexpression with CD45, CD34, AA4.1, CD31, c-Kit, and Ter119 in E12.5 fetal liver. (C top) FACS analysis of prox-hCD4 and distal-GFP expression in E11.5 fetal livers sorted into populations P1 to P3. (C middle) Number of colonies generated in methylcellulose by the FACS sorted populations P1 to P3. Error bars indicate standard deviation of the mean (n = 3). (C bottom) Contribution of erythroid (E), myeloid (M), and mixed (Mix) colonies to the total number of colonies scored for populations P1 to P3 in the colony-forming assay.

Expression of proximal-hCD4 and distal-GFP in fetal liver. (A) FACS analysis of proximal-hCD4 and distal-GFP expression in fetal livers isolated from embryos between E10.5 and E14.5. (B) FACS analysis of distal-GFP coexpression with CD45, CD34, AA4.1, CD31, c-Kit, and Ter119 in E12.5 fetal liver. (C top) FACS analysis of prox-hCD4 and distal-GFP expression in E11.5 fetal livers sorted into populations P1 to P3. (C middle) Number of colonies generated in methylcellulose by the FACS sorted populations P1 to P3. Error bars indicate standard deviation of the mean (n = 3). (C bottom) Contribution of erythroid (E), myeloid (M), and mixed (Mix) colonies to the total number of colonies scored for populations P1 to P3 in the colony-forming assay.

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