Figure 1
Figure 1. Three-step in vitro model of PC generation. Peripheral blood human MBCs were purified and cultured with sCD40L, ODN, and IL-2 + IL-10 + IL-15, then with IL-2 + IL-6 + IL-10 + IL-15 for 3 days, and then with IFN-α + IL-6 + IL-15 for 3 days. Cells were labeled with anti-CD20, CD38, and anti-CD138 mAbs, CD20+CD38− D4 actBCs, CD20−CD38++ D4 or D7 PBs, and CD20−CD38++CD138+ D10 PCs were FACS sorted and stained with May-Grünwald-Giemsa (original magnification, ×1000). The percentage of cells in the S hase of the cell cycle was determined using propidium iodide, and data were analyzed with the ModFit LT software. Histograms are those of 1 experiment representative of 3.

Three-step in vitro model of PC generation. Peripheral blood human MBCs were purified and cultured with sCD40L, ODN, and IL-2 + IL-10 + IL-15, then with IL-2 + IL-6 + IL-10 + IL-15 for 3 days, and then with IFN-α + IL-6 + IL-15 for 3 days. Cells were labeled with anti-CD20, CD38, and anti-CD138 mAbs, CD20+CD38 D4 actBCs, CD20CD38++ D4 or D7 PBs, and CD20CD38++CD138+ D10 PCs were FACS sorted and stained with May-Grünwald-Giemsa (original magnification, ×1000). The percentage of cells in the S hase of the cell cycle was determined using propidium iodide, and data were analyzed with the ModFit LT software. Histograms are those of 1 experiment representative of 3.

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