Figure 5
Figure 5. Effects of adenovirus-specific CTL in vivo. (A) ELIspot analysis of the frequency of peripheral blood T cells responding to irradiated Ad5f35-infected donor PBMCs by IFN-γ secretion before and after CTL infusion in patients without (n = 9; left panel) and with (n = 2; right panel) adenovirus infection at the time of receiving CTL. (B) Imaging studies are shown before and after CTL in a patient (patient 2) with adenovirus pneumonia who had a complete clinical response after T-cell infusion. A chest CT scan and chest radiograph demonstrate bilateral interstitial infiltrates. The follow-up chest radiograph 2 weeks after CTL infusion is reported as normal (C). Marked increase in adenovirus-specific T-cell precursor frequency in patient 2, and marked decrease in adenoviral load in stool from patient 10 after CTL infusion and clearance of virus coincident with a transient increase in adenovirus-specific T cells.

Effects of adenovirus-specific CTL in vivo. (A) ELIspot analysis of the frequency of peripheral blood T cells responding to irradiated Ad5f35-infected donor PBMCs by IFN-γ secretion before and after CTL infusion in patients without (n = 9; left panel) and with (n = 2; right panel) adenovirus infection at the time of receiving CTL. (B) Imaging studies are shown before and after CTL in a patient (patient 2) with adenovirus pneumonia who had a complete clinical response after T-cell infusion. A chest CT scan and chest radiograph demonstrate bilateral interstitial infiltrates. The follow-up chest radiograph 2 weeks after CTL infusion is reported as normal (C). Marked increase in adenovirus-specific T-cell precursor frequency in patient 2, and marked decrease in adenoviral load in stool from patient 10 after CTL infusion and clearance of virus coincident with a transient increase in adenovirus-specific T cells.

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