Figure 7
Figure 7. Inhibition of miR-21 and miR-34a or addition of WNT1 and JAG1 functionally stalls MDDC differentiation. MDDCs were treated with anti–miR-21 and anti–miR-34a (A-B) or secreted products of WNT1 and JAG1 (C-D) during differentiation. Endocytic activity (FITC-dextran uptake) was measured by flow cytometry on day 5 of MDDC differentiation. (A,C) Representative histograms of FITC-dextran uptake at both 37°C (filled histogram) and 4°C (background control, unfilled histogram) are shown. The raw Δ MFI value (37°C MFI to 4°C MFI) for each condition is shown. The relative endocytic activity is quantified in panels B and D, as normalized ΔMFI = ΔMFI (condition) − ΔMFI of monoctyes (background)/ΔMFI of control. The controls for panels B and D are negative anti-miR or mock-treated MDDCs, respectively. Error bars represent SEM for 3 independent experiments. *P < .05; **P < .005; ***P < .0005.

Inhibition of miR-21 and miR-34a or addition of WNT1 and JAG1 functionally stalls MDDC differentiation. MDDCs were treated with anti–miR-21 and anti–miR-34a (A-B) or secreted products of WNT1 and JAG1 (C-D) during differentiation. Endocytic activity (FITC-dextran uptake) was measured by flow cytometry on day 5 of MDDC differentiation. (A,C) Representative histograms of FITC-dextran uptake at both 37°C (filled histogram) and 4°C (background control, unfilled histogram) are shown. The raw Δ MFI value (37°C MFI to 4°C MFI) for each condition is shown. The relative endocytic activity is quantified in panels B and D, as normalized ΔMFI = ΔMFI (condition) − ΔMFI of monoctyes (background)/ΔMFI of control. The controls for panels B and D are negative anti-miR or mock-treated MDDCs, respectively. Error bars represent SEM for 3 independent experiments. *P < .05; **P < .005; ***P < .0005.

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