Figure 6
Figure 6. BHQ880 inhibits myeloma cell growth in SCID-hu mice. (A) In the early treatment model, mice were injected with isotype control (200 μg per mouse 3×/week; n = 7) and BHQ880 (200 μg per mouse 3×/week; n = 7) at the first detection of tumor. Serum samples were collected weekly, and the level of shuIL-6R was measured by ELISA. (B) In the late treatment model, mice were injected with isotype control (200 μg per mouse 3×/week; n = 3) and BHQ880 (200 μg per mouse 3×/week; n = 3) 3 weeks after first detection of tumor. Serum samples were collected weekly, and the level of shuIL-6R was measured by ELISA. Baseline values before treatment were not significantly different among groups.

BHQ880 inhibits myeloma cell growth in SCID-hu mice. (A) In the early treatment model, mice were injected with isotype control (200 μg per mouse 3×/week; n = 7) and BHQ880 (200 μg per mouse 3×/week; n = 7) at the first detection of tumor. Serum samples were collected weekly, and the level of shuIL-6R was measured by ELISA. (B) In the late treatment model, mice were injected with isotype control (200 μg per mouse 3×/week; n = 3) and BHQ880 (200 μg per mouse 3×/week; n = 3) 3 weeks after first detection of tumor. Serum samples were collected weekly, and the level of shuIL-6R was measured by ELISA. Baseline values before treatment were not significantly different among groups.

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