Figure 2
Figure 2. Flow cytometric analysis of NOD/SCID repopulating ATL-like lymphoma cells. Lymphoma and leukemia were generated in NOD/SCID mice by the transplantation of frozen stocked 4th-passage Tax-Tg SLCs. SLCs were isolated from spleen. (A) Histograms of isotype APC, PE, and FITC markers as controls. Expression profiles were divided into 4 patterns: partial and low, heterogeneous, and major types. (B) Partial and low expression: CD127, CD117, CD123, FoxP3, CD133, CD90, and CD34 are expressed at low levels in SLCs. (C) Heterogeneous expression: CD71 and CD25 are heterogeneously expressed in SLCs. (D) Major: CD38, CD24, and Sca-1 are highly expressed in SLCs. The percentage of individual subpopulations was determined according to isotype control in each assay. Dead cells were gated out by propidium iodide. (E) Triple-staining analysis with CD38, CD71, and CD117 or CD133 in the SLCs. CD38−/CD71−/CD117+ cells were 0.03% and CD38−/CD71−/CD133+ cells were 0% of total SLCs.

Flow cytometric analysis of NOD/SCID repopulating ATL-like lymphoma cells. Lymphoma and leukemia were generated in NOD/SCID mice by the transplantation of frozen stocked 4th-passage Tax-Tg SLCs. SLCs were isolated from spleen. (A) Histograms of isotype APC, PE, and FITC markers as controls. Expression profiles were divided into 4 patterns: partial and low, heterogeneous, and major types. (B) Partial and low expression: CD127, CD117, CD123, FoxP3, CD133, CD90, and CD34 are expressed at low levels in SLCs. (C) Heterogeneous expression: CD71 and CD25 are heterogeneously expressed in SLCs. (D) Major: CD38, CD24, and Sca-1 are highly expressed in SLCs. The percentage of individual subpopulations was determined according to isotype control in each assay. Dead cells were gated out by propidium iodide. (E) Triple-staining analysis with CD38, CD71, and CD117 or CD133 in the SLCs. CD38/CD71/CD117+ cells were 0.03% and CD38/CD71/CD133+ cells were 0% of total SLCs.

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