Figure 5
Figure 5. Functional impact of RUNX1 on PI3-kinase/Akt signaling and cell apoptosis in Meg-01 cells. (A) The RUNX1 1-1, RUNX1 1-2, and negative stable clones were lysed in PBS buffer containing both protease and phosphatase inhibitors. Soluble proteins were analyzed by Western blots with anti-p110δ, anti–ph-Akt, and anti-Akt antibodies. Intensity of each band was quantified with the use of the Odyssey software. Protein levels for p110δ and Ph-Akt in RUNX1 1-1 and RUNX1 1-2 cells are presented relative to that in negative cells after normalization to levels of total Akt. (B) Baseline apoptosis in the RUNX1 1-1, RUNX1 1-2, and negative stable clones was determined by flow cytometry with annexin V-fluorescein isothiocyanate/propidium iodide staining. **Statistically significant differences (P < .005). Error bars indicate SEs.

Functional impact of RUNX1 on PI3-kinase/Akt signaling and cell apoptosis in Meg-01 cells. (A) The RUNX1 1-1, RUNX1 1-2, and negative stable clones were lysed in PBS buffer containing both protease and phosphatase inhibitors. Soluble proteins were analyzed by Western blots with anti-p110δ, anti–ph-Akt, and anti-Akt antibodies. Intensity of each band was quantified with the use of the Odyssey software. Protein levels for p110δ and Ph-Akt in RUNX1 1-1 and RUNX1 1-2 cells are presented relative to that in negative cells after normalization to levels of total Akt. (B) Baseline apoptosis in the RUNX1 1-1, RUNX1 1-2, and negative stable clones was determined by flow cytometry with annexin V-fluorescein isothiocyanate/propidium iodide staining. **Statistically significant differences (P < .005). Error bars indicate SEs.

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