Figure 5
Figure 5. Agrin nonredundant role at the hematopoietic niche. (A) Total bone marrow cells from either control or Musk-L;Agrn−/− P5, CD45.2 mice were transplanted into lethally irradiated CD45.1 recipients in competition with BM cells from CD45.1/45.2 adult mice, at a 1:1 ratio. Donor repopulating units (RUD) in the PB of recipient mice 9 and 16 weeks after transfer are shown (left). Data are from 3 independent experiments (ctrl, n = 8; Musk-L;Agrn−/−, n = 6). Right: mean numbers relative to controls of the LSK population in the bone marrow of P5 Musk-L;Agrn−/− mice or of mice transplanted as described and analyzed 16 weeks after transfer (CD45.1−Lin−IL7R−c-Kit+Sca-1+ gate; ctrl n = 8, Musk-L;Agrn−/−, n = 6; *P < .05). (B) Pie charts (right) represent average percentages of CD150+CD41/48−, CD34+ CD135−, and CD34+CD135+ subsets within the LSK population (ctrl, n = 8; Musk-L;Agrn−/−, n = 6). Annexin V analysis (left) on CD34+CD135− LSK cells of donor origin (ctrl, n = 8; Musk-L;Agrn−/−, n = 6; differences are not statistically significant). In all panels, error bars represent SEM.

Agrin nonredundant role at the hematopoietic niche. (A) Total bone marrow cells from either control or Musk-L;Agrn−/− P5, CD45.2 mice were transplanted into lethally irradiated CD45.1 recipients in competition with BM cells from CD45.1/45.2 adult mice, at a 1:1 ratio. Donor repopulating units (RUD) in the PB of recipient mice 9 and 16 weeks after transfer are shown (left). Data are from 3 independent experiments (ctrl, n = 8; Musk-L;Agrn−/−, n = 6). Right: mean numbers relative to controls of the LSK population in the bone marrow of P5 Musk-L;Agrn−/− mice or of mice transplanted as described and analyzed 16 weeks after transfer (CD45.1LinIL7Rc-Kit+Sca-1+ gate; ctrl n = 8, Musk-L;Agrn−/−, n = 6; *P < .05). (B) Pie charts (right) represent average percentages of CD150+CD41/48, CD34+ CD135, and CD34+CD135+ subsets within the LSK population (ctrl, n = 8; Musk-L;Agrn−/−, n = 6). Annexin V analysis (left) on CD34+CD135 LSK cells of donor origin (ctrl, n = 8; Musk-L;Agrn−/−, n = 6; differences are not statistically significant). In all panels, error bars represent SEM.

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