Figure 2
Figure 2. Documenting range of motion. Beginning with the full (normal) range of motion on the right, the images indicate progressively more limited range of motion as the numeric scores decrease toward maximally restricted joint motion. By row, from top to bottom, the tasks being attempted are: full shoulder abduction with upper arms brought next to ears, full elbow extension with arms outstretched, “Buddha Prayer” position, and full ankle dorsiflexion.

Documenting range of motion. Beginning with the full (normal) range of motion on the right, the images indicate progressively more limited range of motion as the numeric scores decrease toward maximally restricted joint motion. By row, from top to bottom, the tasks being attempted are: full shoulder abduction with upper arms brought next to ears, full elbow extension with arms outstretched, “Buddha Prayer” position, and full ankle dorsiflexion.

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