Figure 3
Bioluminescence is a property of transformed LGL cells. Homogenate from a primary bioluminescent tumor implanted into and passaged in Beige/Nude/Xid (BNX) mice. (A) Tax IHC on sections of BNX tumors. (B) IHC on sequential sections of a bioluminescent lung tumor stained with H&E, Tax serum, or pre-bleed serum. (C) BLI of tumors in BNX mice confirmed that luciferase activity transferred with the malignant cell population. Bar = 20 μm. Color scale ×104 photons/s/cm2/sr. Data shown are representative of allografts in 23 mice injected with cells from fresh or frozen primary tumor tissue.

Bioluminescence is a property of transformed LGL cells. Homogenate from a primary bioluminescent tumor implanted into and passaged in Beige/Nude/Xid (BNX) mice. (A) Tax IHC on sections of BNX tumors. (B) IHC on sequential sections of a bioluminescent lung tumor stained with H&E, Tax serum, or pre-bleed serum. (C) BLI of tumors in BNX mice confirmed that luciferase activity transferred with the malignant cell population. Bar = 20 μm. Color scale ×104 photons/s/cm2/sr. Data shown are representative of allografts in 23 mice injected with cells from fresh or frozen primary tumor tissue.

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