Figure 6
Figure 6. HKLM and PGN modulate surface expression of HIV receptors on mLCs and mDCs. mLCs and mDCs were cultured in medium alone or with 5 × 108/mL HKLM or 5 μg/mL PGN for 24 hours, and the expression of CD4 (A,D), CCR5 (B,E), langerin (C), or DC-SIGN (F) was then examined (A-C, mLCs; D-F, mDCs; MFI). Results are shown as means plus or minus SD (*P < .05). All data shown represent at least 2 separate experiments.

HKLM and PGN modulate surface expression of HIV receptors on mLCs and mDCs. mLCs and mDCs were cultured in medium alone or with 5 × 108/mL HKLM or 5 μg/mL PGN for 24 hours, and the expression of CD4 (A,D), CCR5 (B,E), langerin (C), or DC-SIGN (F) was then examined (A-C, mLCs; D-F, mDCs; MFI). Results are shown as means plus or minus SD (*P < .05). All data shown represent at least 2 separate experiments.

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