Figure 4
Figure 4. CLPs generate significantly more thymic donor chimerism than MPPs in unirradiated IL-7R−/− and F1 recipients. The BM populations indicated were sorted as in Figure 1C, and BM equivalents (3.8 × 104 Flk2+CD27+, 9.5 × 105 non-Flk2+CD27+, 2.9 × 104 CLP, 1.9 × 104 MPP per IL-7R−/− recipient; 6 × 104 CLP, 4.5 × 104 MPP per F1 recipient) were injected into unirradiated IL-7R−/− or F1 recipients. (A) Flk2+CD27+ cells, and within that population, CLPs represent the major source of prethymic progenitors, 14 days after injection into IL-7R−/− mice. Arrows in the top panel indicate gating hierarchy. (B) Quantification of donor thymocyte chimerism in IL-7R−/− mice from MPPs and CLPs, as shown in panel A. Each symbol represents the chimerism of an individual mouse, and bars represent the average. Data are pooled from 2 separate experiments of 3 recipients each. As determined by the Student t test, differences in chimerism were significant (P = .001). (C) Representative plots of all gated donor thymocytes 14 days after transfer of MPP or CLP from CD45.2, Thy1.2 mice into nonirradiated F1 recipients (CD45.1, Thy1.1x CD45.2, Thy1.2). Donor-gated thymocytes are shown (CD45.2+ CD45.1− Thy1.2+ Thy1.1−). CLP-derived thymocytes are more numerous and have progressed to the DP developmental stage, whereas MPP-derived progeny are relatively rare and are less mature. These plots are representative of 6 mice in 2 separate experiments.

CLPs generate significantly more thymic donor chimerism than MPPs in unirradiated IL-7R−/− and F1 recipients. The BM populations indicated were sorted as in Figure 1C, and BM equivalents (3.8 × 104 Flk2+CD27+, 9.5 × 105 non-Flk2+CD27+, 2.9 × 104 CLP, 1.9 × 104 MPP per IL-7R−/− recipient; 6 × 104 CLP, 4.5 × 104 MPP per F1 recipient) were injected into unirradiated IL-7R−/− or F1 recipients. (A) Flk2+CD27+ cells, and within that population, CLPs represent the major source of prethymic progenitors, 14 days after injection into IL-7R−/− mice. Arrows in the top panel indicate gating hierarchy. (B) Quantification of donor thymocyte chimerism in IL-7R−/− mice from MPPs and CLPs, as shown in panel A. Each symbol represents the chimerism of an individual mouse, and bars represent the average. Data are pooled from 2 separate experiments of 3 recipients each. As determined by the Student t test, differences in chimerism were significant (P = .001). (C) Representative plots of all gated donor thymocytes 14 days after transfer of MPP or CLP from CD45.2, Thy1.2 mice into nonirradiated F1 recipients (CD45.1, Thy1.1x CD45.2, Thy1.2). Donor-gated thymocytes are shown (CD45.2+ CD45.1 Thy1.2+ Thy1.1). CLP-derived thymocytes are more numerous and have progressed to the DP developmental stage, whereas MPP-derived progeny are relatively rare and are less mature. These plots are representative of 6 mice in 2 separate experiments.

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