Figure 3
Figure 3. Increased cDC and pDC numbers in IL-7tg mice. (A) Il-7 mRNA was quantified by real-time PCR in the pLN and spleen of adult WT and IL-7tg mice (n = 3). Numbers indicate fold increase in IL-7tg over WT mice. (B-D) Cells isolated from the pLN or spleen of WT and IL-7tg mice were stained and analyzed by flow cytometry. (B) Representative dot blots are shown for cDCs (MHCIIint) and migDCs (MHCIIhi) in WT and IL-7tg tissues. Numbers indicate the percentage of DC subsets among hematopoietic cells found in total pLN (top panels) or spleen (bottom panels). (C) Bars depict the number of DC subtypes, T cells, B cells (all gated as in Figure 2), and granulocytes (Gr-1hi CD11bhi). Mean cell numbers in WT mice were defined as 100%. Relative cell numbers are shown for WT versus IL-7tg mice. *P < .05; **P < .01; ***P < .001. Data (± SD) in panels B through D are representative of a total of 3 to 9 mice per group.

Increased cDC and pDC numbers in IL-7tg mice. (A) Il-7 mRNA was quantified by real-time PCR in the pLN and spleen of adult WT and IL-7tg mice (n = 3). Numbers indicate fold increase in IL-7tg over WT mice. (B-D) Cells isolated from the pLN or spleen of WT and IL-7tg mice were stained and analyzed by flow cytometry. (B) Representative dot blots are shown for cDCs (MHCIIint) and migDCs (MHCIIhi) in WT and IL-7tg tissues. Numbers indicate the percentage of DC subsets among hematopoietic cells found in total pLN (top panels) or spleen (bottom panels). (C) Bars depict the number of DC subtypes, T cells, B cells (all gated as in Figure 2), and granulocytes (Gr-1hi CD11bhi). Mean cell numbers in WT mice were defined as 100%. Relative cell numbers are shown for WT versus IL-7tg mice. *P < .05; **P < .01; ***P < .001. Data (± SD) in panels B through D are representative of a total of 3 to 9 mice per group.

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