Figure 1
Figure 1. CD41-gfp transgene hematopoietic expression in live zebrafish embryos, from AGM to kidney.(A) Anatomic landmarks relevant to this study in the zebrafish embryo; although represented at 35 hpf,26 it also indicates the future location of the thymus (purple) and pronephric kidney, the site of definitive hematopoiesis (yellow); the optical sectioning planes used in (B) and (C) are represented. (B-L) Live CD41-gfp embryos and larvae; (B,C,F,J,K) Confocal fluorescence images, with Bodipy TR (red) as vital histologic stain; all lateral views, rostral to the left, except (C,K,L). (B,C) Mid-trunk zone at 38 hpf; successive optical longitudinal (B) and cross (C) sections of the same embryo were obtained by laser scanning in the xy and xz mode, respectively. Yellow arrowheads, GFPlow cells in the DP joint, the zebrafish AGM; white arrowheads, DA endothelium; blue arrowheads, PCV endothelium. (D) DIC and fluorescence overlay showing the first GFPlow cells in the CHT area at 35 hpf. (E,E′) DIC (E) and fluorescence (E′) image of a CD41-GFPlow HSC-like cell in the CHT at 35 hpf. (F) GFPlow cells (arrowheads) in the trunk DP joint between DA and PCV at 48 hpf; asterisks, nonhematopoietic, pronephric duct associated GFPlow cells. (G) DIC image of a CD41-GFPlow circulating cell rolling on the PCV dorsal wall at 48 hpf. (H) Fluorescence image of GFPlow (arrowheads) and GFPhigh cells in the CHT at 56 hpf; arrows point at the tethers linking GFPhigh prothrombocytes to each other or to the microenvironment. (I,I′) DIC (I) and DIC+ fluorescence overlay (I′) images of the first CD41-GFPlow immigrants in the left thymus anlage at 56 hpf. (J) Left thymus at 4.5 dpf. (K,L) Pronephros area in dorsal view at 5 dpf (K) and dorso-lateral view at 8 dpf (L). da indicates dorsal aorta; pcv, posterior cardinal vein (axial vein); ca, caudal artery; cv, caudal vein; y, yolk sac; CHT, caudal hematopoietic tissue; s, somite muscle; ntc, notochord; pd, pronephric duct; phs, primary head sinus; ba, branchial arches; oe, otic epithelium; t, thymus; pf, pectoral fin; g, pronephric glomerulus; and sb, swimbladder. Bars, 20 μm in (B,C,H); 10 μm in (E,G); 50 μm in (F,J,K).

CD41-gfp transgene hematopoietic expression in live zebrafish embryos, from AGM to kidney.(A) Anatomic landmarks relevant to this study in the zebrafish embryo; although represented at 35 hpf,26  it also indicates the future location of the thymus (purple) and pronephric kidney, the site of definitive hematopoiesis (yellow); the optical sectioning planes used in (B) and (C) are represented. (B-L) Live CD41-gfp embryos and larvae; (B,C,F,J,K) Confocal fluorescence images, with Bodipy TR (red) as vital histologic stain; all lateral views, rostral to the left, except (C,K,L). (B,C) Mid-trunk zone at 38 hpf; successive optical longitudinal (B) and cross (C) sections of the same embryo were obtained by laser scanning in the xy and xz mode, respectively. Yellow arrowheads, GFPlow cells in the DP joint, the zebrafish AGM; white arrowheads, DA endothelium; blue arrowheads, PCV endothelium. (D) DIC and fluorescence overlay showing the first GFPlow cells in the CHT area at 35 hpf. (E,E′) DIC (E) and fluorescence (E′) image of a CD41-GFPlow HSC-like cell in the CHT at 35 hpf. (F) GFPlow cells (arrowheads) in the trunk DP joint between DA and PCV at 48 hpf; asterisks, nonhematopoietic, pronephric duct associated GFPlow cells. (G) DIC image of a CD41-GFPlow circulating cell rolling on the PCV dorsal wall at 48 hpf. (H) Fluorescence image of GFPlow (arrowheads) and GFPhigh cells in the CHT at 56 hpf; arrows point at the tethers linking GFPhigh prothrombocytes to each other or to the microenvironment. (I,I′) DIC (I) and DIC+ fluorescence overlay (I′) images of the first CD41-GFPlow immigrants in the left thymus anlage at 56 hpf. (J) Left thymus at 4.5 dpf. (K,L) Pronephros area in dorsal view at 5 dpf (K) and dorso-lateral view at 8 dpf (L). da indicates dorsal aorta; pcv, posterior cardinal vein (axial vein); ca, caudal artery; cv, caudal vein; y, yolk sac; CHT, caudal hematopoietic tissue; s, somite muscle; ntc, notochord; pd, pronephric duct; phs, primary head sinus; ba, branchial arches; oe, otic epithelium; t, thymus; pf, pectoral fin; g, pronephric glomerulus; and sb, swimbladder. Bars, 20 μm in (B,C,H); 10 μm in (E,G); 50 μm in (F,J,K).

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