Figure 6
Figure 6. Network modeling. (A) Module identified using the Ingenuity program. A solid line indicates direct interaction; a line without arrowhead indicates binding; an arrow from protein A to protein B indicates A transcriptionally activates B. Node shapes are indicative: triangle, kinase; diamond, enzyme; double circle, protein complexes; oval (horizontal), transcription regulator; oval (vertical), transmembrane receptor. Proteins identified in this screen are marked in red. (B) Promoter analysis for the up-regulated genes. Up-regulated genes containing TCF1, TCF4, PPAR, HES1, LEF1, and TCF3 binding sites within 1 kb region upstream of the transcriptional start point. Red denotes genes previously involved in B-cell transformation and cancer progression according to GeneCards database.

Network modeling. (A) Module identified using the Ingenuity program. A solid line indicates direct interaction; a line without arrowhead indicates binding; an arrow from protein A to protein B indicates A transcriptionally activates B. Node shapes are indicative: triangle, kinase; diamond, enzyme; double circle, protein complexes; oval (horizontal), transcription regulator; oval (vertical), transmembrane receptor. Proteins identified in this screen are marked in red. (B) Promoter analysis for the up-regulated genes. Up-regulated genes containing TCF1, TCF4, PPAR, HES1, LEF1, and TCF3 binding sites within 1 kb region upstream of the transcriptional start point. Red denotes genes previously involved in B-cell transformation and cancer progression according to GeneCards database.

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